B2B payment practices trends, Türkiye 2024

Барометър на платежно поведение

  • Турция
  • Химическа/Фармация,
  • Храни,
  • Метали,
  • Стомана

A stand-out finding from our survey is that trading on credit continues to play a key role in B2B sales strategy for businesses in Türkiye.

Key takeaways from the report for Türkiye  

The 2024 Payment Practices Barometer survey for Türkiye was conducted between the end of Q1 and the beginning of Q2 2024. The findings should therefore be viewed with this in mind.

B2B trading on credit remains vital amid stable landscape

  • A stand-out finding from our survey is that trading on credit continues to play a key role in B2B sales strategy for businesses in Türkiye. This is clear from the fact that an average 49% of total B2B sales are currently being transacted on credit amid a challenging commercial landscape. There are variations, of course, between the various sectors of our survey.

  • Nearly 60% of companies in Türkiye report no significant change in the payment practices of their B2B customers, with stability especially evident in the steel-metals industry. The agri-food sector has the most lenient approach, offering customers up to three months from invoicing to settle payments.

Surge in demand expected despite worries about domestic economy 

  • There are a wide range of worries reported by businesses in our survey of Türkiye as they look towards future prospects. The primary concern across all sectors is clearly the state of the domestic economy, a sentiment particularly pronounced in the agri-food industry. 

  • This anxiety is compounded by several other factors shaping the overall business landscape, among them challenges related to customer acquisition. This includes ineffective sales efforts and difficulties in expanding the customer base. Widespread confidence about the outlook for demand is a clear and striking message from our survey of companies in Türkiye.

The Atradius Payment Practices Barometer is an annual survey of business-to-business (B2B) payment practices in markets across the world. Its findings can give valuable insights into the current dynamics of corporate payment behaviour in B2B trade. It can also help companies doing business, or planning to do so, in the markets polled to identify emerging future trends in the payment practices of B2B customers. 

Interested in finding out more? 

For a complete overview of the 2024 survey results for Türkiye and Central and Eastern Europe, please download the full reports available in the related documents section below. 

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