B2B payment practices trend, Sweden 2023

Барометър на платежно поведение

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  • Стомана

Swedish companies have strong concerns looking ahead about how they will be affected by new regulations related to European and global climate change goals.

The Atradius Payment Practices Barometer is an annual survey of business-to-business (B2B) payment practices in markets across the world. Its findings can give valuable insights into the current dynamics of corporate payment behaviour in B2B trade. It can also help companies doing business, or planning to do so, in the markets polled to identify emerging future trends in the payment practices of B2B customers. 

The 2023 Payment Practices Barometer survey for Sweden was conducted between the end of Q1 and the beginning of Q2 2023. Its findings should therefore be viewed with this in mind.

Key takeaways from the report for Sweden

Equity capital and debt securities used to avoid liquidity shortfalls

  • The main factors taken into account when granting payment terms for 53% of companies polled in Sweden were the terms received from their own suppliers and the pressing need to avoid liquidity shortages. This may explain why many Swedish businesses resorted to equity capital and issuing debt securities as a means of obtaining short-term trade finance.
  • This was especially reported by large enterprises, who generally received less than requested when seeking trade credit. In contrast, SMEs took the more conventional route of seeking bank loans or asking for trade credit as a means to short-term finance.

Rising concern about excessive regulatory burdens on businesses

  • Our survey found that Swedish companies have strong concerns looking ahead about how they will be affected by new regulations related to European and global climate change goals. The fear expressed is that these could create excessive burdens and costs to be managed, and that it will dent their ability to be competitive in international markets.
  • Chemicals companies reported particular anxiety because they are the sector which supports the EU Green Deal’s target of being climate neutral by 2050. The impact of high energy prices and carbon footprint limitations are further concerns raised by companies polled in Sweden, along with a negative effect of tariffs.

Interested in finding out more?

Please download the full report for a complete overview of the 2023 survey findings of the Atradius Payment Practices Barometer for Sweden. 

For a complete overview of the survey results for Western Europe, please download the full report available in the Related documents section below. The Statistical Appendix to the regional report is also available for download in the section below.

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